Control of Spacecraft and Aircraft (Hardback) [Arthur E. Bryson, Jr. - 1994]
378 pgs, 1994 Princeton University Press ISBN 978-0691087825 Bryson's comprehensive treatment of automatic control logic design emphasizes mathematical modeling throughout and describes the linear-quadratic-regulator (LQR) method of feedback control synthesis. The first half of the book concerns control systems, such as momentum wheels and gimbaled engines, while the second half is about aircraft attitude and flight path control.The text is enhanced by 19 tables and more than 200 figures, as well as 6 appendices summarizing analysis, synthesis, simulation, and modeling.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Natural Motions of Rigid Spacecraft
- Spacecraft Sensors and Attitude Determination
- Attitude Control with Thrusters
- Attitude Control with Reaction Wheels
- Attitude Stabilization with Spin
- Attitude Control with a Gimbaled Momentum Wheel
- Attitude Control during Thrust Maneuvers
- Control of Translational Motions
- Flexibility and Fuel Slosh
- Natural Motions of Rigid Aircraft
- Aircraft Sensors
- Control of Longitudinal Motions of Aircraft
- Control of Lateral Motions of Aircraft
- Control of Helicopters near Hover
- Aeroelastic Systems
- Appendix A: Linear System Representations
- Appendix B: Steady-State Control
- Appendix C: Synthesis of Analog Control Logic
- Appendix D: Synthesis of Digital Control Logic
- Appendix E: Simulation
- Appendix F: Modeling Flexible Systems
Price: $89.00
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